Thursday, October 28, 2010


This picture was taken from the following website:
I still believe this class is helping me learn information that is relevant to my career goals of becoming a pediatrician. Because I am learning about how development takes place, I will have a better understanding of how to aid those with developmental malfunctions. The information in this course most closely relates to the information I am learning in Genetics, but this week, it related to Organic Chemistry as well. In chemistry this week, we were learning about step-wise reactions, which related to the signal transduction cascades in the major pathways. I usually learn best by writing information down as I hear it -- taking notes in a sense. Since the beginning of this class, however, I have now incorporated visual learning into my learning style. It helps me a lot now to be able to see a diagram or a figure of what we are discussing in class. Sometimes, it's hard for me to understand what is really being talked about unless I am able to see these picture references. I am proud that I am able to alter my learning style after so many years of getting into specific habits. I feel this will help me, both in future classes, as well as outside of the education field as it shows that I can adapt to the environment around me...given enough time. One of the most important things I have learned during the course of this class has been the development process, from fertilization to fully developed organism. Everything in this class relates to the process, and it helps to know it backwards and forwards for reference purposes. The other thing I'm glad I learned has to do with lab. Never before, in any of my science classes, have I had such involved labs. I am glad I am learning the entire lab process from setting up the experiment, performing it, recording data, and writing the lab report. It makes the process seem fuller and more meaningful. Again, I feel this will help me, not only further in my education, but after I am out of school as well. One of the things that is most confusing to me is the difference between induction and specification. These seem like one in the same process to me, and I still need to clarify the minute differences between the two terms. This is the topic we are currently discussing, however, so I am sure more discussion will help my understanding. Taking this class has really opened my eyes as to how such a small thing, like a small mutation, can affect the quality of someone's life for the rest of their life. It's unbelievable to me that so many of us turn out "normal" when there are so many things that  can go wrong during the development process. The information I've learned in class has impacted my life in a positive way. I am definitely more aware and considerate when I notice people with diseases or malformations. I feel like I am a better person for this.

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